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New partners join the Christchurch Call

The Christchurch Call Community is excited to welcome seven new partner organisations in our work to eliminate terrorist and violent extremist content online: The Extremism and Gaming Network, CASM Technology, Memetica, Moonshot, Muflehun, Point de Contact, and Tremau.
New partners join the Christchurch Call

The Christchurch Call Community is excited to welcome seven new partner organisations in our work to eliminate terrorist and violent extremist content online.  

All seven organisations are doing vital work to make the internet safer. All operate in ways that respect and promote human rights and a free, open, and secure internet. Together, the new partner organisations bring deep research expertise, analytical capability, and technical innovation to the Call Community.  

The Extremism and Gaming Research Network brings together researchers, practitioners, and policymakers with the private sector to develop an understanding of potential threats and solutions to the exploitation of gaming by terrorists and violent extremists. EGRN’s work includes supporting research development and reporting, advising and training tech platforms and governments, and generating best intervention practices. 

CASM Technology is a technology organisation that develops social media research methods to confront online harms, from extremism and hate speech to illicit influence operations and harassment.  

Memetica is a threat intelligence group providing risk advisory services on strategic issues relating to coordinated harassment, violent extremism, and disinformation. Using a combination of open-source and human intelligence-gathering practices, it supports strategic partners in the media and technology sectors to tackle emerging hybrid threats by streamlining intervention approaches to curb imminent harms and reduce long-term structural vulnerabilities. 

Moonshot is a social impact business working to end online harms, applying evidence, ethics and human rights. 

Muflehun is a resource centre working at the nexus of society, security, and technology with a focus on preventing and countering hate, extremism, and violence, and building social resilience. 

Point de contact develops and manages reporting tools that allow internet users to anonymously report potentially illegal content encountered online. As the French hotline, Point de Contact analyses content, and liaises with digital platforms, as well as police and authorities, to get illegal content removed. 

Tremau creates content moderation technical solutions and provides advice to help companies navigate through regulations and new risks as technology evolves. 

See more information about the governments, companies and organisations that are in the Christchurch Call Community

See more information about the onboarding process and expectations for joining the Christchurch Call.