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Call Leaders Welcome the Christchurch Call Foundation

Call Leaders Welcome the Christchurch Call Foundation

To mark the launch of the Christchurch Call Foundation, Call Leaders share their thoughts on the Call’s vital work and their ongoing support.

The Christchurch Call Foundation is grateful for the ongoing support of Call Leaders, including:

Rt Hon Dame Jacinda Ardern, Patron of the Christchurch Call

His Excellency Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic

Rt Hon Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister of New Zealand

Kent Walker, President, Global Affairs at Google & Alphabet

Prime Minister Rt Hon Anthony Albanese of Australia

Brad Smith, President and Executive Vice Chair Microsoft

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada

Sir Nick Clegg, President Meta

Pedro Sanchez Pérez-Castejón Prime Minister of Spain

Marija Pejčinović Burić, Secretary General of the Council of Europe

Matej Husek, Board Member of Seznam

Stephen Hall, Executive Chairman Mega

Sam Altman, Chief Executive of OpenAI

Co-Chairs of the Christchurch Call Advisory Network: Farzaneh Badeii, Katy Vaughan, and Abdur Razzaq

Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO

Susan Pointer, Vice President for International Public Policy at Amazon